Minggu, 22 September 2013

Sexuality Now: It's Him. Not the other him. Just Him. :) (Vivian Amelia)

Last week, we watched the film "The Science of Sexual Appeal"

The film simply told us that why do we love just for one person (mostly) and not everyone.

     There is a science here, why we love someone.
Either because of their faces, voices, hormones, dna, or their body shapes.
We love them, biologically and heartily.

     Girls, who had been in love relationship. I wanna ask you one question.
Did you ever aware that if our boyfriend were going somewhere else for few days, and when you smell their jackets that leave in your home, you will feel so terribly miss them than before? And you love that smell on their jackets.
And only them who had it. Only him, smell like that.
Hahaha I got you!

The smell is specifically owned by him. And the true thing is, actually, everyone of us will create a unique smell. There is no two smell alike.
Why? Because the smell is produced by our hormones that related to our specific dna.
No dna is alike a hundred percents in this world.
The more different is the dna forming the scent or smell, the more possibility of us will love the scent of the person.
It means that our dna what forms the scent have to be completely different from the dna the person we love had.
And that is one of so many reason why we fall in love with that person.
And that's why we instincly avoid incest too.
Because God had create us so complete and beautiful. :)

Studies also had found that the symmetrical of our faces, give more attractive looks.
Even in voices, there is a science of attraction and sexual appeal there.
If giving 2 options of voice to choose, woman tend to choose man who had lower tones of voice.
Because low tone, give a sense of masculinity.
And so are men, they are likely to choose women whose voices have the higher tone.

Here is the body-shape issue.
Yes, body shape is one of the most common sexual appeal we often saw and heard of.
There is a term which Plato made, called "the Golden Ratio"
Golden ratio is when two lines of ratio each equal 2 : 3
If the first line is 2, then the second line have to be 3.
So it is like the ratio of woman's waist and hips.
That is the science of sexual appeal in the shape of our body.

Well, all above there actually is our brain telling us that, that is the person who had the best quality to be our partner in reproductive systems.
To make best offspring of all.

And so, are they fated or destined to be like that?

The answer is no.
We still make decisions in this life.
We choose who have the right conditions to us.
We choose who we love.

That's why feeling is important.
And there is such thing called love.

God is so kind-hearted. To create us so wonderfully.
So amazing, and indescribable!

    Lucky you, to be a human-being today!
Choose the right person to love and to be loved.
Not the right status or money!

18 September 2013

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