Rabu, 22 Mei 2013

The Kite Runner (Peta Fariza Aruna)

Paraphilia could be explained as one of atypical and extreme sexual behaviour. This term has many example of “strange” sexual behavior, and one of them is pedophilia. Almost everyone know what is pedophillia- adult (or older people) who has fantasize in sexual behavior with a child (or younger people) either same sex or opposite sex. Dangereously, this kind of paraphilia would become a traumatic event for people who experience it as well as the other paraphilia. However, there is one really epic movie that tells about a victim of pedophilia. This movie titled “A Kite Runner”.

Basically, this movie is about a little boy who are son of a servant in Afganistan who sacrifice his life for his master. This boy name was Hassan and he has a friend who are also his master’s son, named Amir.

One day, Hassan helped Amir from a group of bad boys who annoyed him. Unfortunately, that good intention turned to a catastrophe for Hassan. That bad boys raped him who was only a little child (maybe he’s only 9 or 10 and the bad boys’re around 15 in that movie). That scene was really emotionally saaaaddd!!

As time goes by, Hassan could manage his life better and finally, he was married and have a child. And the epic line was he was accepting his life situation and wasn’t put any revenge to anyone that related to that event. Such an amazing person :’(

From the story above, not all the people who had experience traumatic event will do a revange or distroy their life. Apparently, there is still an amazingly brave heart to face such trial in his life.

By the way, that movie was based on true story. If you guys curious about this amazingly brave heart Hassan, just watch “The Kite Runner”. You’ll be flooded by tears guys.

22 Mei 2013

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