Senin, 27 Mei 2013

“Easy to say, Hard to do…?” (Imelda Victoria)

If there’s a word “interview” written, what is the first thing that come to our imagination, our feel, our thought, our understanding?

As for me, before i attend interview technique class, i see interview as a question-answer session only. Ask, then answer. No more. Like in magazine, or a detective movie, or perhaps something like test - just answering a question then it’s finished. A simple little thing that only need a courage of asking and the ability to answer the question, nothing more.
Learn interview through theory surely change my view of interview. It come to my sense and give me more deep understanding. The theory encourage my confidence. I began to think, “Oh, i see. So it was like that. If i master the interviewing skill’s theory, i will come near to be able to do the ‘real’ interview”. But when it comes to the practice, i’m confused by the theory myself. On my very first practice with roleplay setting, i didn’t check on my recorder so i didn’t record anything. Thanks to my note, so i’m still able to make a report. Not only i didn’t record it, i come to forgot that i need to record it while the practice has begun. I’m too excited, my mind full of interviewing skill theory and the question list. But i’m encouraged because i’m able to put both my attention and interest to the story of my client by setting at that time, i imagine it as a real one. I shall give her a big thanks too, since she help me a lot with her acting as we are in a real setting. But this isn’t something to be happy about. We able to follow and understand the client’s story is not the everything. On the next four practice i’ve done, this lead me to more and more error.

The second practice is not a role play, our client or subject is not our friend anymore. The answer isn’t made of, it’s a real one. I’m aware at these, and i become want to know more about the story. But here again the error, i’m sunken by the story. Didn’t control my expression, didn’t note which part is important to be digged out, didn’t check the recorder quality, ignoring the ‘real’ use of informed consent, in other word - i almost forgot every theory that i’ve learned. After two practice, i come to a conclusion that theory may not like it seems but it’s still needed and i should able to practice all of it. The third practice, here where i learn ‘bias’. Come to my luck, that my client-to-be is my bestfriend. I know her and i know there will be bias, so i learn how to control the ‘bias’. How to not mix my feel, emotion, and bring our relationship on the interview practice. Kind of hard, but i’m happy that i didn’t laugh on nor think any funny things while doing it. So i feel that i’ve success to control myself. Fourth practice, same like the second one but a little better than before. I begun to feel i’m better than before, and this kind of thought lead me to another error *again*. I’m trying to correct myself on something that i still lack on, but here i lost what i’ve maintain. It’s been the fifth one, i should be better than before. But i did a fatal error, forgot to ask full personal data, such as birthdate and so on, mixed the question and almost out of topic. Truthfully, i kind of shocked by my friend’s acting whose become my client on that day. It seems that we have a slight misscommunication, i’m trying to control her answer and lost my focus on what i should really do. I’m too rigid and think much on it. 

From above, it seems i’ve got a lots of error and maybe i almost lost my confidence on interviewing. To be honest, i’m not losing any confidence  because i really took a lot of lesson on it. I didn’t see myself as a total failure. Five times practice isn’t and never enough to me but in the same time it was my precious experience. Another good thing which come to my sense is about theory. Some people once told me that, theory is just theory and in real-life context they become nothing. I begin to questioning it and i come to believe that theory actually is our guidance (not a tool) to mastering skills - like a recipe in cooking class - especially on this case. But still theory isn’t the number one thing that must be done while learning. As for me, the number one which is needed was a desire to learn. Accept errors even if it cause resentment. Be proud of with what we’ve done. Don’t be satisfied fastly with what have been done. And more, take our learning experience as fun yet good things to be remembered. 

I really like this class. I have another precious experiences. I hope what i’ve learned here will be a good use in my future *i think it will*

26 Mei 2013

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